Zomblog eBook TW Brown
Download As PDF : Zomblog eBook TW Brown
Zomblog eBook TW Brown
I've been a fan of TW Brown for some time now and it all started with this book. Recently I went back and reread the Zomblog series and I was impressed again at how good they are.I love the zombie genre in general and I read a lot of zombie books on Kindle because A) as I mentioned, I like the genre and B) they tend to be cheap. In all honesty, with a lot of them, it's not hard to see why they're so cheap. To be kind, many have more enthusiasm than talent or skill. That's why it's such a treat when you come across an author like Brown who can actually write. He has a real knack for writing well developed and varied characters and also coming up with plots and scenarios that are believable and interesting.
The Zomblog series is good but his next one, the Dead series, is even better. Oh, and a word of warning--no one is safe in Brown's zombie universe so get attached to characters at your own risk.
Tags : Zomblog - Kindle edition by TW Brown. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Zomblog.,ebook,TW Brown,Zomblog,May December Publications LLC,FICTION Horror,FICTION Science Fiction Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic
Zomblog eBook TW Brown Reviews
There is a great style to this with the story being told through journal entries. it felt as though you could read the story in little snippets but the whole thing evolves nicely.
what I loved about this one was that the zombies are essentially 'there' the bad element seemed to be humanity and I think this is very relevant when you see how people act in the face of some natural disasters or for example Somalia; it is the people who become the worst problem. And this makes for some really gripping and tense moments when the characters have to be prepared for finding survivors amid the zombies.
the writing is very fluid as well. there is an easy going style to it and I cant remember a place where I had to stop and think about it; it all reads very well.
I see there are more of these and the ending leaves you in a place where you can see more than one possible story looming for the sequel so it will be interesting to see where the next one goes. I know that there were some really big questions posed and left unanswered with some of the things happening in the first book and I hope to discover the answers to those later on
This wasn't a perfect book (really more like 4.5 stars) but managed to be entertaining and a good exploration of the variety of ways humanity would approach a zombie apocalypse. The blog format was an excellent choice, since the first-person narrative added a lot of immediacy. Several other reviewers have mentioned the switch in narrator about halfway through so I guess it is not really a spoiler, although I was surprised by it. It could have been an interesting feature with more narrators -- passing the blog from person to person as a "group record" of the apocalypse, but with just two narrators, the switch in tone was rather jarring. I did eventually begin to like Meredith better, although I really preferred Sam. There were LOTS of characters and different places they traveled too, so a glossary or something might have been helpful.
For those of you who haven't read a summary Sam begins writing a blog about life during a zombie apocalypse. He begins with the first inklings that something is wrong, continues with the infection of his family, his attempts to survive the first few days, and then his efforts to find other survivors. Once he meets up with others, they begin exploring the new world they find themselves in. Along their travels, they are forced to deal with not only the zombies, but also marauding bands of raiders, paranoid cult groups, and the politics of any large group of people living together.
The ending is rather abrupt as it sets up a sequel, but this book was interesting enough to make me want to seek out the author's other novels. I am a huge "Walking Dead" fan, and this is certain to be compared to the popular series. However, I think "Zomblog" is superior to the TV show (I haven't read the comics.) Walking Dead has spent way too much time on one single group and their interpersonal issues, and not enough time exploring ways to survive. If you like zombie fiction, this is a great choice.
Zomblog is, as the title suggests, a zombie novel dive in a blog/journal format that follows a man named Sam as he tries to survive the zombie apocalypse.
The book is very much an archetypal zombie novel - a lot of running, hiding, scavenging, and closer calls. This is a double edged sword - by not straying too far from the formula the book feels both a little safe, but also familiar at the same time. The writing is good, though the characters are many and dir the most part, very transitory. The main character and a few others feel a little more well developed, but I still could gave used more development. The dialogue, such as it is, our more accurately the vice if the main character is good, though part of the way through there is another person who jobs the journal and I didn't feel like their vice was distinct enough to distinguish from Sam.
My biggest complaint is the world constructed - namely that the world is a bit one note. Everyone in the world outside the main characters small group is a filthy, murdering rapist. While a nasty, dangerous works us something I like in a novel like this, it felt lie every time the group left their sanctuary, someone got raped. It got old after a while and want believable. I understand and like a dark world in a post apocalyptic world, but it felt like too much by the end.
Overall, Zomblog is a decent entry into the zombie fiction genre, and certainly not the worst I've ever read, but unfortunately not quite good enough that I would pick up the next book in the series.
I've been a fan of TW Brown for some time now and it all started with this book. Recently I went back and reread the Zomblog series and I was impressed again at how good they are.
I love the zombie genre in general and I read a lot of zombie books on because A) as I mentioned, I like the genre and B) they tend to be cheap. In all honesty, with a lot of them, it's not hard to see why they're so cheap. To be kind, many have more enthusiasm than talent or skill. That's why it's such a treat when you come across an author like Brown who can actually write. He has a real knack for writing well developed and varied characters and also coming up with plots and scenarios that are believable and interesting.
The Zomblog series is good but his next one, the Dead series, is even better. Oh, and a word of warning--no one is safe in Brown's zombie universe so get attached to characters at your own risk.
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